We are Studio KIO, Creative team living and working in Seoul, Korea.
We have worked mainly in cultural area, collaborating with museums, galleries,
publishers and cultural foundations as well as individual artists,
on the design of graphic identities and publications.
Channel Yes Magazine
Magazine Design / 2017 – Present / Client: Yes24
<Channel Yes>. Yes24, JTBC plus / 210x250mm / 96p 내외
Magazine Design / 2017 – Present / Client: Yes24
<Channel Yes>. Yes24, JTBC plus / 210x250mm / 96p 내외
예스24에서 펴내는 월간지’채널 예스’의 아트디렉팅.
2017년 7월 리뉴얼호 - 현재
Art direction for a monthly magazine ‘Channel Yes’, published by Yes 24.
From Renewer edition July 2017, to present
2017년 7월 리뉴얼호 - 현재
From Renewer edition July 2017, to present